BibleMax ASV Bible 1.0

BibleMax ASV Bible 1.0

BibleMax module featuring American Standard Version of the Bible
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5

The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible is derived directly from the Revised Version, which was an attempt to adapt the classical King James' Version to the English language spoken in the 19th century. The ASV is one step further in this sense, since it was published in 1901, taking into account the commentaries and contributions of 30 renowned scholars and clerics. This version was used during many years by the Jehovah's Witnesses, due to the fact that it refers to the Divinity as Jehovah. Now, BibleMaximum offers you the chance of having this historically important version of the Scriptures as a module for their BibleMax software. BibleMax is a program for reading and studying the Holy Bible, as well as other important texts, maps and charts. As with other Bible modules, this one fully interacts with other modules pre-installed in your core program, such as Commentaries and References.
You can get this important version of the Scriptures, along with many other Bible versions, commentaries, devotionals and other texts by ordering the free CD and paying only the duplication, printing, postage and handling costs.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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Review summary


  • Historically relevant
  • Useful for comparison purposes


  • It only works with BibleMax software
  • Can be obtained only by ordering the free CD



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